Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Nigerian Television Authority ( NTA) is temporary free on Eutelsat 16A @ 16 degree East.
Nigerian Television Authority ( NTA) is temporary free on CONSAT Package on Eutelsat 16 @ 16 degree East with frequency 11295 H 45000. If you dish is facing that direction, simply blindscan your decoder to receive the channnel. Also six( 6) channels owned by Mega Choice package are free on the same position. The channels include :
1. Aljazeera
2. CCTV News
3. DW TV
4. Metro TV
6. Crystal TV
Kwese Sports has resumed transmission on Belintersat 1 @ 51.5 degree East aftre a short break.
Kwese Sports has resumed transmission after a short break on Belintersat 1 @ 51.5 degree East C band with frequency 3877 L 6420. Initially the channnel stop transmission on Belintersat 1 @ 51.5 degree East but now the channnel is back on that position. Click FOR KWESE SPORTS BISS KEY. Austrialia based television channnel, BTV has resumed transmission on Astra 1N @ 19.2 degree East Europe beam with frequency 12669 V 22000.
Finally, Ghana based television channnel Green TV has stop transmission on Multi TV position. It is not clear what actuallly is the problem. Century Sat will forward a mail to the channnel to confirm the updates with respect to the channnel.
A new channel EWTN has resumed transmission on Eutelsat 16 @ 16 degree East.
Catholic Global Television Network, EWTN ( Mega Choice 32) has resumed transmission on Eutelsat 16 @ 16 degreee East with frquency 11074 H 45000. The channnel is owned by Ghana based Mega Choice TV. Thetre are 6 channels that are currently free on Mega Choice package. The include the following :
1. Aljazeera
2. CCTV News
3. DW TV
4. Metro TV
5. Crystal plus TV
6. EWTN.
Meanwhile, Zambia baesd Muvi TV package is yet to resumed transmission on Eutelsat 7B @ 7 degree East. Muvi TV was force to short down after Zambia Authority withdrew the company operation license for alleged misconduct.Austrialia based 3ABN TV will stop broadcasting effect from tomorrow which August 31. It is not clear why such a giant TV channnel like 3ABN could plan to shut down. KICC TV will change it frequency and symbols rate on Hotbird 13 East effect from August 31. If you are in Europe, please rescan your decoder to continue Enjoying the channel. Finally, EBC Ethiopia has change its frequency on Hotbird 13E @ 13 degree Esat. The new frequency is 10816 H 27500. Thank you.
Abu Dhabi Sport 1 HD, Abu Dhabi TV HD are free on Badr 6 @ 26 degree East.
Two channnels are free on Badr 6 @ 26 degee East ku band middle East beam with frequency 11804 H 27500. The channels include :
1. Abu Dhabi TV HD
2. Abu Dhabi Sport 1 HD
Two channnels ar free on Astra 1K @ 19.2 degree East Europe beam with frquency 11333 H 220000 and 12669 V 22000.The channels are :
1. Sky 3D
2. Sixx Austria
Finally, 5 channnels are free on Eutelsat 16 @ 16 degree East . See my previons post for frequency. Also three channels have stop transmission on Eutelsat 16 @ 16 degree East. The channels are Canal 3 Waama, Canal 3 Fagben, Canal 3 Niger.If you are an Installer and you would like to join Century Sat forum, simply, whatsapp us and state your intention. WHATSAPP LINE =
Kwese Sports has move to Intelsat 22 @ 72.1 degree East and stop transmission on Belintersat 1 @ 51.5 E.
Kwese Sports has move once again to another satellite. Kwese Sport started transmission on Belintersat 1 @ 51.5 degree East few days ago. The Sport channels has stop transmission on Belintersat 1 and has moved to a new satellite, Intelsat 22 @ 72.1 degree East C band western Hemisphere beam with frquency 3742 L 13930. There are other Africa channnels on this position.
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
OVY Sat has resumed full transmission on Intelsa 20 @ 68.5 degree East.
OVY Sat has resumed full transmission after months of delay. The TV channel started full transmission on Intelsat 20 @ 68.5 degree East with frequency12567 V 3256. Meanwhile, Canal 3 waama, Canal 3 Niger, Canal 3 Fagben have stop transmission on Eutelsat 16 @ 16 degree East . Ghana based Green TV has stop transmission on Multi TV position. I think it may be technical fault. DW TV, Aljazera, CCTV News, Metro TV Ghana , Crystal TV Plus are free on Eutelsat 16 @ 16 degree East with frequency 11074 H 45000.
Nat Geo wild, History TV, Star plus, Channel V India , TV5 Monde are tempoaray free on Abs 2 @ 74.9 degree East.
Some channels on Realvu package are temporary free on Abs 2 @ 74.9 degree East ku band, south Asia beam with frequency 12467 V 45000. The channels are not on Africa beam but South Asia beam. South Asia countries India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Afghanistan, Maldves. The channels include :
1. Nat Geo Wild
2. Independent TV
3. History TV
4. TV5 Monde
5. Channel V India
6. Star plus India
Meanwhile, ORTM, ORTN, RTS, RTB ,Alleluia TV are free on Eutelsat 16A @ 16 degree East ku band subsahara Africa beam with fequency 10977 H 24117.
1. Nat Geo Wild
2. Independent TV
3. History TV
4. TV5 Monde
5. Channel V India
6. Star plus India
Meanwhile, ORTM, ORTN, RTS, RTB ,Alleluia TV are free on Eutelsat 16A @ 16 degree East ku band subsahara Africa beam with fequency 10977 H 24117.
Monday, 29 August 2016
RTS TV, ORTM Mali, ORTN ( Tele Sahel), RTB TV , Alleluia TV has resumed transmission on Eutelsat 16 @ 16 degree East.
Five new channels have resumed transmission on Eutelsat 16A @ 16 degree East Ku band, sub Sahara Africa beam with frequency 10977 H 24117. The channels include the following:
2. ORTM Mali
4. RTS
5. Alleluia TV
Meanwhile, Aljazeera ( Mega Choice 12), DW TV, CCTV News, Crystal TV , Metro TV are free on Eutelsat 16 @ 16 degree East Ku band with frequency 11074 H 45000. If your dish is facing Eutelsat 16, simply blindscan your decoder.
Finally, Kantaka TV Ghana has stop transmission on Eutelsat 16 @ 16 degree East Ku band. Famous 3ABN channel will stop broadcasting effect from August 30th. The reason for their action is not know yet. KICC TV will change its frequency and symbols rate on Hot bird position. If you are in Europe and you are viewing KICC TV via Hot bird, simply blindscan your decoder by from 1st of September to continue enjoying the channel.
ART Hekayat, ART Hekayat 2, ART Aflam 1, ART Aflam 2, ART Cinema are temporary free on Nilesat 201 @ 7 degree West.
Middle based OSN pay TV package has unscrambled some of its channels on Nilesat 201 @ 7 degree west, middle East beam ( Not Africa ) with frequency 11805 H 27500. The channels include :
1. ART Cinema
2. ART Hekayat 1
3. ART Hekayat 2
4. ART Aflam 1
5. ART Afam 2 .
Meanwhile, Layaly TV and Al Masirah TV have resumed transmission on Eutelsat 7 @ 7.3 degree west, middle east/north Africa beam with frequency 11138 H 27500. CCTV 5 HD has been added to Startimes package on Eutelsat 10 @ 10 degree East c band and the channel is temporary free at the moment. On the other hand , Startimes has scrambled Wazobia TV, LTV and ST yoruba after the channels were free for sometime. CONSAT COMPLETE SET UP BOX IS FREE NOW. Kindly visit CENTURY SAT 2 for updates on that. Thank you.
Sunday, 28 August 2016
Kwese Sports now on Belintersat 1 @ 51.5 degree East.
kwese Sports has resumed transmission on Belintersat 1 @ 51.5 degree East c band, Africa beam with frequency 3877 L 6420. The is not free on that platform but you can watch it free by a biss key. The channel just started on that satellite. Kwese Sports biss key =F2A1089B16AFC186. The problem with Belintersat 1 @ 51.5 degree East is that there are only three channels on that position. The are :
1. Belarus 24 ( Europe beam )
2. Kwese Sport ( Africa beam )
3. EBC Ethiopia ( Africa beam )
In the same way, If you dish is facing Apstar 7 @ 76.5 dgree East c band, you can watch CSN Sports with frequency 4048 V 2448. MPEG 4/HD decoder is require with biss key = 9CBDB30CBC989DF1. Thank you.
1. Belarus 24 ( Europe beam )
2. Kwese Sport ( Africa beam )
3. EBC Ethiopia ( Africa beam )
In the same way, If you dish is facing Apstar 7 @ 76.5 dgree East c band, you can watch CSN Sports with frequency 4048 V 2448. MPEG 4/HD decoder is require with biss key = 9CBDB30CBC989DF1. Thank you.
beIN Sport News, beIN Sports HD, beIN Max 2 HD have stop transmission on Eutelsat 25 @ 25 degree East.
1. beIN Sports News
2. beIN Sports News HD
3. beIN Max 2 HD.
Meanwhile, Two channnels have resume transmission on Nilesat 7 @ 7 degree west ku band, middle East/North Africa beam with frequency 11824 V 27500. The channels include :
1. Press TV
2. Al Iraqiya TV
Ethiopia Oromiya TV has stop transmission on NSS 12 @ 57 degree East c band. Send your questions to us via email or whatsapp. If you are an installer and you would like to join Century Sat forum which comprises of members across Africa and beyond, simply whatsapp us and state your intention.WHATSAPP LINE =
Saturday, 27 August 2016
Kantaka TV Ghana, Purpose TV have resumed transmission on Eutelsat 16 @ 16 degree East and Intelsat 20 @ 68.5 degree
A new television channel Kantaka TV (Mega Choice 61) owned by Mega Choice pay Ghana is temporary free on Eutelsat 16 @ 16 degree East with frequency 11074 H 4500. In the same way, a new television channel , Purpose TV has resume transmission on Intelsat 20 @ 68.5 degree East ku band with frequency 12721 H 26659. Ethiopia TV Oromiyaa TV has resumed transmision on Intelsat 22 @ 72.1 degree East c band with frquency 3981 R 2730.
Saudi Arabia Sport 24, TV Oromiya are free on Eutelsat 8 @ 8 degree west and Intelsat 22 @ 72.1 degree East respectivly.
Saudi Arabia 24 sport is free on Eutelsat 8 @ 8 degree west , middle east/nort Africa beam wth frequency 12563 H 27500. Note that, bigger dish is require to track Saudi channel package for those living outside middle east/nort Africa. In the same way, TV Oromiya has resume transmission on Intelsat 22 @ 72.1 degree East C band western hemisphere beam with frequency 3982 R 2730.
Meanwhile, Dubai sport 1 HD has resumed transmission on Eutelsat 7 @ 7.3 degree west ku band after a short break while Dubai 2 HD has stop transmission on the same position. In another development, Ethiopia channel package has stop transmission on NSS 12 @ 57 degree East c band after less than two weeks it started transmission on the same positiuon. Startimes channel package which was temporary free on ses 5 2 5 degree East was scrambled yesterday evening after 24 hours the channels were opened.
Friday, 26 August 2016
Different between Azimuth and Elevation in satellite dish installation.
In dish installation, there is need to know the different betwen Azimuth and Elevation.Satellites are approximately 22,300 miles above the equator. Normally satellite travel from west to east direction. Satellite dish always point to the direction of the equator. Azimuth is the rotation of angle from east to west.In other words, azimuth means the left to right positioning of dish.. Azimuth is horizontal position. Horizontal alignment of dish means posioning satellite dish to where you wish to get the signal.
Elevation means the up and down angle. In other words Elevation menas the up and down posioning of dish. Elevation is vertical position. It means angle of which the satellite signal reaches the earth surface. In installing satellite dish , you need to set the elevation first by simply pointing the dish correctly from left to right position. Some dish have elevation mark on the scale of the side of the dish. Elevation is norally measure in degree and in trying to adjust, you need to look at the number of the side of the dish . It should be positioned where signal of the satellite cover your area. Usually satellite dish is pointed low towards the horizon, when they are aiming at a high elevation . Having known the diferent between Azimuth and Elevation, read here on HOW TO MANUALLY LOCATE SATELLITE POSITION WHEN INSTALLING DISH .
Meanwhile, the temporary free channels on SES 5 @ 5 degree East have been scrambled by the operator ( Startimes ) but EBC Ethiopia, MCS sport, Trace Africa are still free on Startimes package.
Elevation means the up and down angle. In other words Elevation menas the up and down posioning of dish. Elevation is vertical position. It means angle of which the satellite signal reaches the earth surface. In installing satellite dish , you need to set the elevation first by simply pointing the dish correctly from left to right position. Some dish have elevation mark on the scale of the side of the dish. Elevation is norally measure in degree and in trying to adjust, you need to look at the number of the side of the dish . It should be positioned where signal of the satellite cover your area. Usually satellite dish is pointed low towards the horizon, when they are aiming at a high elevation . Having known the diferent between Azimuth and Elevation, read here on HOW TO MANUALLY LOCATE SATELLITE POSITION WHEN INSTALLING DISH .
Meanwhile, the temporary free channels on SES 5 @ 5 degree East have been scrambled by the operator ( Startimes ) but EBC Ethiopia, MCS sport, Trace Africa are still free on Startimes package.
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Sixty (60) pay Tv channels are temporary free on SES 5 @ 5 degree East.
Sixty (60) classic pay TV television channels owned by STARTIMES (Starsat) are temporary free on SES 5 @ 5 degree East with frequency 11977 V 27500, 11939 V 27500, 12380 H 27500, 12341 H 27500. these channels are temporary free not permanent. The channels include:
1. AMC Movies
2. Z Cinema
3. Zee Tamil
4. Zing TV
5. FX
6. Fox Crime
7. ESC
8. Fashion One
9. Discovery Science
10. Animaux
11. Pop
12. Iroko play
13. Star Gold
14.Star Life
15. Trace Sport Stars
16. Jimjam
17. ST Swahili Bollywood
18. Baby TV
19. Smile of a child
20. Nat Geo Gold
21. IDX
22. Nigezie
23. Kiss TV
24. Magic
25. Kerrang
26. The Box Africa
27. Iroko world
28. ST Spot Life
29. ST Movie 1
30. CH 401
31. ST Series E1
32. ST One
33. ST Africa 2
34. ST Novela E1
35. ST Zone
36. ST Sino Drama
37. ST Kungfu
38. ST Swahili
39. ST Dadin Kowa
40. ST Sport Arena
41. ST Sport Focus
42. ST Bollywood
43. Fox
44. RTPI
45. Eurosport News
46. ST Music
47. Gospel Music TV
49. Stingrary 60s
50. Stingray 70S
51. Stingray 80S
52. Stingray 90S
53. Stingray Blues
54. Stingray Bass Breaks n Beast
55. Stinggray Classical Calm
56. Stingray SA Modern
57. Stingray SA Traditional
58. Stingray SA Gospel
59. Stingray world carnival
60. Stingary Urban
61. Stingray Total Hits UK. ETC.
If you would like to join Century Sat forum which comprises of members accross Africa and beyond, simply whastsapp me on our whatsapp line =+234-7089180484. Thank you.
1. AMC Movies
2. Z Cinema
3. Zee Tamil
4. Zing TV
5. FX
6. Fox Crime
7. ESC
8. Fashion One
9. Discovery Science
10. Animaux
11. Pop
12. Iroko play
13. Star Gold
14.Star Life
15. Trace Sport Stars
16. Jimjam
17. ST Swahili Bollywood
18. Baby TV
19. Smile of a child
20. Nat Geo Gold
21. IDX
22. Nigezie
23. Kiss TV
24. Magic
25. Kerrang
26. The Box Africa
27. Iroko world
28. ST Spot Life
29. ST Movie 1
30. CH 401
31. ST Series E1
32. ST One
33. ST Africa 2
34. ST Novela E1
35. ST Zone
36. ST Sino Drama
37. ST Kungfu
38. ST Swahili
39. ST Dadin Kowa
40. ST Sport Arena
41. ST Sport Focus
42. ST Bollywood
43. Fox
44. RTPI
45. Eurosport News
46. ST Music
47. Gospel Music TV
49. Stingrary 60s
50. Stingray 70S
51. Stingray 80S
52. Stingray 90S
53. Stingray Blues
54. Stingray Bass Breaks n Beast
55. Stinggray Classical Calm
56. Stingray SA Modern
57. Stingray SA Traditional
58. Stingray SA Gospel
59. Stingray world carnival
60. Stingary Urban
61. Stingray Total Hits UK. ETC.
If you would like to join Century Sat forum which comprises of members accross Africa and beyond, simply whastsapp me on our whatsapp line =
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
CCTV News, LC2 Benin are free on Eutelsat 16A @ 16 degree East.
China State run 24/7 news channel ,CCTV News is temporary free on Mega Choice package on Eutelsat 16A @ 16 degree East with frequency 11074 H 45000. Also, LC2 Benin has resumed tansmission on Euelsat 16 @ 16 degree East with frequency 10804 H 30000.
Finally, Two channels have resume transmission on Intelsat 20 @ 68.5 degree East ku band with frequency 12682 H 26647, 12602 V 26651. The channels include:
1. Bbm TV
2. Triumphant TV
Muvi Africa Unite TV, Muvi emmanuel, Muvi Prisma have temporary stop transmission on Eutelsat 7B @ 7 degree East.
Zambia private broadcasting company, Muvi TV which owns Africa Unite TV, Muvi TV, Muvi Emmanuel, Muvi Prisma and others has stop transmission on Eutelsat 7B @ 7 degree East Ku and C band. According to SOURCES, the company licences has been revoked for alleged misconduct. The company television channels as well as radio stations has been shut down pending to when the issue will be resolve with Zambia authority. We want use this medium to appeal to Zambia authority to temper justice with mercy. Century Sat is begging Zambia authority to please allow Muvi TV back on air.
Meanwhile, Shorts TV is temporary free on Eutelsat 16 @ 16 degree East Europe beam with frequency 11637 H 30000.
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
Addis TV (EBC 2), EBC 3, EBC North Ethiopia, EBC East Ethiopia, EBC South Ethiopia are free on Intelsat 22 @ 72.1 degree East.
Ethiopia channel package is free on Intelsat 22@ 72.1 degree East C band, western hemisphere beam with frequency 3963 L 11930. West hemisphere are countries which lies west of the prime meridian and east of the antimeridian. these countries are US, UK, Russia, Togo, Ghana, Spain, Mali, France, Fuji, Burkina Faso, Algeria. The channels include :
1. EBC 2 (Addis TV)
2. EBC 3
3. EBC North Ethiopia
4. EBC East Ethiopia
5. EBC South Ethiopia
In the same way, beIN Max 3 HD is temporary free on Astra 1M @ 19.2 degree East , Europe beam with frequency 10818 V 2200. News 7 TV is also free on Intelsat 12 @ 45 degree East, Europe beam with frequency 11508 V 23332. Top News is also free on Eutelsat 16 @ 16 degree East , Europe baem with frequency 10763 H 30000. Some channels are also free on Intelsat 20 @ 68.5 degree East ku band. See my previous post for frequency. Channels such as :
1. Smile TV
2. Ovy Sat
3. Revelation TV
4. Bethesada TV etc.
Nile Sports, Nile Life, Nile Drama, Nile TV International, Al Masriya TV, Al Masriya USA, Al Nile are free on Arabsat 5C @ 20 degree East.
Some channels have resumed transmission on Arabsat 5C @ 20 degree East C band with frequency 3974 L 27500. The channels include :
1. Nile Sports
2. Nile Drama
3. Nile Life
4. Al Nile
5. Nile TV International
6. Al Masriya TV
7. Al Masriya USA
In the same way, MBC Drama is currently free on Badr 4 @ 26 degree East ku band with frequency 11918 H 27500. Note that MBC Drama beam cover Middle East countries and North Africa countries. Also, Nigeria state run TV, NTA International is free on Intelsat 907 @ 27.5 degree west C band with frequency 4119 L 2893. If your dish is facing any of these directions, simply blindscan your decoder.
Monday, 22 August 2016
Smile TV, Ovy Sat, Beshesada TV, Grace TV, Revelation TV are free on Intelsat 20 @ 68.5 degree East.
Five channels are free on Intelsat 20 @ 68.5 degree East ku band with frequency 12602 V 2667, 12567 V 3258. The channels are as follows:
1. Smile TV
2. Ovy Sat
3. Grace TV
4. Revelation TV
5. Bethesada TV
In the same way, TVM Madagascar is temporary free on Ses 5 @ 5 degree East ku band with frequency 11766 H 27500. Dubai sport 2 HD is free on Eutelsat 7A @ 7 degree west ku band. See my previous post for frequency.
Aljazeera, DW TV, Crystal TV, Metro TV are temporary free on Eutelsat 16A @ 16 degree East.
Four channels owned by Mega Choice pay TV Ghana are temporary free on Eutelsat 16A @ 16 degree East subsahara Africa beam with frequency 11074 H 45000. The channels include:
1. Aljazeera (mega choice 2)
2. DW TV ( Mega choice 1)
3. Crystal TV plus(mega choice 7)
4. Metro TV (Mega choice 32)
If you are an installer and you would like to join our forum, simply scroll to the side of the blog and get our contact details. Just send us a whatsapp message and we will fix you up.
Dubai Sport 2 HD, Dubai TV HD, Dubai Racing HD, Sama Dubai HD, Alsharqiya News HD, Alsharqiya TV News are free on Eutelsat 7 @ 7 degree west.
Dubai channel package are currently free on Eutelsat 7 @ 7 degree west ku band, Middle East/North Africa beam with frequency 12322 V 27500. Note that Eutelsat 7 west frequency covers Middle East countries and North Africa countries. If you are living outside Middle East and North Africa countries, it means you would require bigger dish to access these channels. If you use 1metre dish you can only access MBC channel package not Dubai package. The channels include;
1. Dubai sport 1 HD
2. Dubai TV HD
3. Dubai Racing HD
4.Sama Dubai HD
5. Alsharqiya News HD
6. Alsharqiya TV HD
Meanwhile, Dubai sport 1 HD has stop transmission on Euelsat 7 @ 7 degree west. LC2 TV has resumed transmission on Eutelsat 16 @ 16 degree East ka band with frequency 21554 H 1100. If you would like to join Century Sat forum, simply scroll to the side of the blog and get our contact details. Just send whatsapp message to us and we will fix you up. You can also visit CENTURY SAT 2 for updates on latest pay tv packages and related issues globally.Century Sat is commited to serve.
Sunday, 21 August 2016
MBC Pro Sport 1, MBC Pro Sport 2, MBC Pro Sport 3, MBC Pro Sport 4 are free on Badr 6 @ 26 degree East and Eutelsat 8B @ 8 degree west.
Four MBC Pro Sport channels are free on Eutelsat 8 @ 8 degree west with frequency 11472 V 27500 and Badr 6 @ 26 degree East with frequency 12342 H 27500. MBC Pro Sport beam covers Middle East and North Africa.The channels are MBC Pro Sport 1, MBC Pro sport 2, MBC Pro Sport 3, MBC Pro Sport 4. The four channels are available on the two satellites. In the same way, Ark TV and Urban TV are free on Eutelsat 3B @ 3 degree East C band with frequency 4161 R 17952. Also Jordan Entikhabat TV has resumed transmission on Eutelsat 7 @ 7 degree East with frequency 10873 V 27500. Are you an instaler and you would like to join Century Sat Forum, Simplily state your request to our Whatsapp Line:
Saturday, 20 August 2016
TV5 Monde ( Consat), Synagogue TV are free on Eutelsat 16A @ 16 degree East and Intelsat 20 @ 68.5 degree East.
A famous French channel, TV5 Monde owned by Consat pay TV package is temporary free on Eutelsat 16 @ 16 degree East with frequency 11294 H 45000. There are two free TV5 Monde on Eutelsat 16 East. In the same way, a new Christian channel, Synagogue TV ( not owned by Prophet T.B Joshua) has resumed transmission on Intelsat 20 @ 68.5 degree East with frequency 12575 V 9697.
TRT Haber HD, TRT Belgesel HD, TRT Cook are free on Eutelsat 7A @ 7 degree East.
Three Turkish channels are free on Eutelsat 7A @ 7 degree East, Europe beam with frequency 10846 H 30000. The channels include:
1. TRT Haber HD
2. TRT Belgesel HD
3. TRT Couk
Meanwhile, Nigeria based Nollywood movie channel, Africa movie net has resumed transmission on Multi Tv position after few days break.
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My Documentary HD, Zen TV HD, Trace Sports Star HD, Trace Urban, Duck TV HD, Myzen TV HD are free on Badar 6 @ 26 degree East.
My HD package are currently airing free on Badar 6 @ 26 degree East Ku band with frequency 12360 V 27500. If your dish is facing t...

Sometimes, your Decoder might be malfunctioning or the decoder might be functioning in unusual way or manner. Before you run to a de...
You can watch Africa TV 2, Peace TV, Quran TV, Sunna TV, IBN TV, Home base TV, My Righeous TV, 1960 Bet Sport News, Africa Unite TV, Emm...
An Hausa speaking channel Taurauwa TV and Islamic channel (Sunnah TV) have been unscrambled on Eutelsat 16 @ 16 degree East pos...