Saturday, 15 October 2016

A new channel, Ghana Award Promo TV has resumed transmission on CONSAT/MegaChoice position ( Eutelsat 16A @ 16 degree East).

     A new television channel, Ghana Awards Promo TV has resumed transmission on Mega Choice/CONSAT TV/MYTV position ( Eutelsat 16A @ 16 degree East) with frequency 11075 H 45000. The channel is to promote Ghana upcoming 6th Radio and televion personality Award coming up later this month. Other channels available on Mega Choice package include:
1. Aljazeera
2. France 24
3. CCTV News
4. DW TV
5. Crystal TV plus
6. Metro TV
8. ETV Ghana
9. Award Promo TV.

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My Documentary HD, Zen TV HD, Trace Sports Star HD, Trace Urban, Duck TV HD, Myzen TV HD are free on Badar 6 @ 26 degree East.

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