Wednesday, 25 July 2018

How To Input Biss Key on Digicom, Echostar ES 6116, Echo link 2777, Starbox 7400 Receivers.

    To input biss key on some selected decoders, simply follow the following steps.
* Press menu on your remote control
* Press 8888
* Biss Key optionoption will enable
* Press menu
* Click on channel set up
* Enter 5 times ( 8888)
3. Super Lazer 16000, Starbox 7400 Tracks at.
* Press menu
* press 99999.
* Press menu
* press 7969
5. EHOLINK 2777
* Press menu
* press 4 times (0000)
6. SUPERMAX 91001 : Press the menu key. Then press 7799 code for biss key. 
7. TECHOSAT 2000 ULTRA 1 : Simply press menu button and press 5400. 
8. STARSAT 9700 & 7979 : Simply press menu keys on your remote control, then press 9999 for biss key. 
9. STARSAT 2000 HD ACE : Press f1 on your remote control, then press 333 and biss key menu will open.
10. SAMTEL 7000 HD: Simply press OK button, then press "0" and entre your biss key.
11. EL 7999 HD: Press on Menu buttom on your reomote control, then press "7777' four times on your remote control and enter your biss key.  Click here on how to input biss key on Strong, Qsat, Alpha box decoders.
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1 comment:

  1. Someone told me there's no biss key on digicom decoder, does it mean I can enable it?


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